The Devil’s Guts

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Or Bindweed, as it’s more commonly called, though “The Devil’s Guts” is a pretty good description of what the roots of this perennial weed look like, and what they’re like to get out of the ground…

Which was my task – clearing out an old border that had become infested with said bindweed. Whilst it is possible to spray this stuff off, a heavy infestation will likely require several applications of a glyphosate-based systemic weedkiller, and of course spraying isn’t an option if you wish to keep any of the other plants in the affected area or you prefer to garden organically

If you’re not in any hurry, and the area is free of plants that you want to keep, another option is to use a lawn mower… Sounds a bit left-field perhaps, but weekly mowing with a lowish blade height will gradually deplete the stores of energy in the bindweed’s thick roots such that it will, eventually, die off. This may take a couple of years mind, perhaps three years for a very serious infestation, but in a large area – such as an overgrown walled garden, for instance – it certainly beats trying to dig the stuff out…

Which is what I was doing… Realistically you are not going to get every last piece of root out first time, and bindweed can regrow from surprisingly small pieces of root left behind, but by clearing the area as best you can you will make any regrowth easily visible. Such regrowth can then be dug out – an easier job as you’ve already loosened the soil with your initial digging over – or you can spray with a glyphosate-based weedkiller. Or use a kettle of boiling water – pour a full kettle on each regrowth however small, as this ensures that the water remains hot enough to do serious damage to the bindweed stems and root as it sinks into the ground. Again, you may have to tackle such regrowth a couple of times before the area can be considered clean for replanting. And keep your eyes peeled for any further visits from The Devil’s Guts…

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